So I've been a terrible blogger. I blame nursing school. Luckily, I'm approaching the end. Maybe I'll actually be a better blogger in the near future. For now, I thought I'd post a couple of pictures from our Holiday Party. My parents came out for Christmas a couple weeks early and we had a dinner party. It was a lot of fun! We had our neighbors Dustin (and his sister), Steven, and the Fuller's (Jim, Deb and Alaina). Our friends Jacinda and Cory, and Erin also came. So with my mom, dad, Eric and I we needed to rent some tables. Mom made two turkeys, and we spent almost two days cooking side dishes, pies, cookies, and making drinks. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again next year.

This photo of my mom and Steven cracks me up! I can't even remember what they were doing, but we were all a few drinks down!.

So, as I enter my last semester of nursing school I feel a bit like a tornado! My head is everywhere. I'm taking community health and nursing roles the first half of the semester. I think I'll like community health since I was very interested in pursuing a public health degree before I decided on nursing school. I'm hoping my schedule is easy enough this semester to allow more time for recreation. I have Mondays off, Tues and Wed class and clinicals on Thurs and Friday.
The second half of the semester I have practicum, which is where we work three 12-hour shifts with a preceptor per week but don't have classes for the most part. We only meet three times during those weeks. Then, I graduate...May 9, 2010!
My new endeavor is running. I'm trying hard to not let it impact my climbing, but I've decided to do a marathon (or a half if I can't pull off the whole...we'll see how training goes!) The Boulder Marathon is in September, so I figure I've got lots of time to get ready. I've been running some, and it's going alright so far.
Okay...soon I'll write a blog about the wedding. I'm a married woman now!